Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program, one of two at the University of Oregon. As a college retention program, SSS helps undergraduates meet the rigors of higher education and graduate from UO. The program is designed for students whose socioeconomic backgrounds, educational records, and personal situations suggest they may experience challenges at the UO that could be alleviated with use of resources offered by SSS. TRIO SSS is here to help our students get from orientation to graduation!
“I am so thankful for TRIO. I have become a confident and successful student and learned how to overcome any obstacle. I finally feel like I belong in a college setting, and am so proud I will be completing my sociology degree in the spring.”
How can being an SSS participant help?
Academic Advising: comprehensive and ongoing assistance with course selection and graduation plans, choosing majors and careers, grad school planning and test preparation, negotiating and navigating UO systems and decreasing stress
Academic Support: workshops and courses, tutoring for many gen-ed requirements, plus writing, math, and study skills assistance
Financial Assistance: Grant Aid and scholarships reserved for SSS participants, assistance completing FAFSA forms and scholarship applications, workshops focused on increasing financial literacy with session on budgets, loans, and funding options
Space and Referrals: study area with computers and free printer, connections to useful resources
Mentors and Community: UO is big but TRIO SSS is just the right size to make sure you feel connected to campus & peers
How do I know if I qualify?Students qualify based on federal criteria and must meet one of the following:
- neither parent/guardian earned a bachelor’s degree
- meets low-income qualifications based on federal guidelines
- has a documented disability, as verified by the UO Accessible Education Center (for additional information regarding services for student with disabilities, including testing and accommodations, please visit the AEC)
Each SSS participant must meet at least one of the above criteria and also be:
- admitted and enrolled, or eligible to be enrolled, at UO in the current or next academic term
- pursuing a first bachelor’s degree
- in need of academic support
- committed to using academic support to earn a UO degree
- a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Interested in SSS?
Complete our online application!
** The TRIO SSS program is currently full for 2024-25. Please apply to be added to our program waitlist, as spots often open up throughout the year. **
TRIO Program Student Referrals: Advisors can refer students to our program by submitting the online TRIO referral form.
SSS Team

Tara Parrillo
If I could have created my dream job this would be it. My days are happily spent connecting students to resources that will help them earn a college degree. I have met and gotten to know so many strong and capable students and I am humbled I have the opportunity to support them and cheer them on in reaching their goals. When I am not working, I spend my time with my husband and 3 children enjoying the outdoors, baking, watching sporting events and fostering kittens.

MaryAnn DiDomenico
I am the personal counselor on staff as well as one of the advisors. Listening to students’ struggles and successes is a privilege for me. In my free time I like to eat, laugh and sing… in no particular order.

Katie Heidt
As an academic advisor, helping students earn their college degrees is no easy task, but I am honored to be a support system for talented TRIO students on a day to day basis. This job isn’t just any job–it’s experiencing new opportunities, challenges and celebrations with each student that I am privileged to get to know on a personal basis. Whether it’s figuring out what classes to take, or which major to choose, or how to pay for school on limited financial resources, students know they can come to me with any question or concern. When I am not working, I am enjoying time with my 3 children and husband enjoying the outdoors. Fitting in a little bit of running helps keep me balanced as a full time mom!

Nora Fandino
Being an academic advisor for SSS is a gift; I get to support inspiring students, I get to learn from them and I even get to speak my native language, Spanish, with some. Outside of work I spend time with my little buddy and my husband enjoying nature and playing with Legos, finger-paint, dirt and anything our imagination presents.

Shari Schoohs
As an academic advisor, I most enjoy hearing students’ stories and sharing resources and support. I think college is the best opportunity to evolve (or re-evolve) yourself into whatever you want to be! As an undergrad student I changed my major FIVE times and with each change learned something new about myself and my path forward and I want students to all have that opportunity to learn and grow. As the career advisor, I look forward to helping students gain exposure, exploration, and experience to help them find their best path forward.

Natalie Smith
TRIO Program Specialist
As a Program specialist, I’m excited to be able to help students apply to and succeed in TRIO, and support the other TRIO staff in their work with students. All students should have the opportunity to access and succeed in education beyond high school, which opens so many doors in life. I’m grateful to be a part of this work. Outside of work I spend time with my husband and son, and stay active with church, friends, movies and my genealogy hobby!